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George W. Bisbee Diary

 Collection — Box: 1
Identifier: 0138

Scope and Contents

The diary dates from January 1 to October 10, 1863, and includes references to guarding Confederate prisoners of war at Camp Douglas, Illinois; transporting prisoners from Camp Douglas to City Point, Virginia, to exchange them for Union soldiers who had been paroled; a soldier's oratory club in which Bisbee participated; an athletic contest with the 18th New York Infantry; and the author's hospitalization.


  • 1863

Conditions Governing Access


Biographical / Historical

George W. Bisbee was a resident of New Haven, Vermont prior to the American Civil War. He enlisted in the Union Army on June 2, 1862 and was mustered into Company C of the 9th Vermont Infantry Regiment on July 9, 1862 at Brattleboro, Vermont. His regiment spent time at Washington, D. C., Winchester, Virginia, and Harper's Ferry, West Virginia during the summer and fall of 1862. From late September of 1862 until early April of 1863, the 9th Vermont guarded Confederate prison camps at Camp Douglas, near Chicago, Illinois. Private Bisbee's unit traveled to Suffolk, Virginia and later Yorktown, Virginia during the summer and fall of 1863. Bisbee spent many weeks in the hospital at Suffolk and Hampton, Virginia. He returned home on furlough in early October and may have died of desease en route to New Berne, North Carolina on October 30, 1863.


1 Items (1/2 Doc Box)

Language of Materials


Existence and Location of Copies

Digital copy availible in Digital Archives: Civil War Letters and Diaries.

Transcription of Diary


Thursday, January 1, 1863. Happy New Year! I passed the day in Camp Douglas. Lt. Sellingson us a New Years supper. We had a nice time. Weather Warm; rained in the evening. Wrote to Lizzie.

Friday, January 2, 1863. Went to the City with G. L. Benson. It rained hard. Returned to Camp at 4 O'clock PM.

Saturday, January 3, 1863. Stayed in Camp all day. Nothing of importance occurred. Wrote to Wm. [William)

Sunday, January 4, 1963. Went to City with Branch and Benson. Took dinner at Mr. Nashes: After Ten went to McCofters and spent the evening. Returned to camp at 12 o'clock.

Monday, January 5, 1863. Remained in Camp all day. Arrnan was found drowned in a well near camp. Evening: held our first club meeting Question mixer discussion was resolved that the Indian has received more injury from the white man than the Negro Disfutents: After G.W. Tucker and P. Harbor Neg. to G.L. Benson and G. W. Bisbee Decided in favor of the N[egativel

Tuesday, January 6, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Went on gard [guard] The day was very cold. Wrote to Uncle Leonard.

Wednesday, January 7, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas Came off guard this morning Wrote to Mary Cook and Brother Channcey

Thursday, January 8, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Orratory Club met in the evening. Wrote to Cousin Emily.

Friday, January 9, 1863. Finds me at Mr. Longs with Lt. Sherman, he is sick. Wrote to Martha.

Saturday, January 10. 1863. At Mr. Longs Went to Camp twice. Weather mild

Sunday, January 11, 1863. At Mr. Longs Went to camp twice and to meeting in the evening. Weather mild

Monday, January 12, 1863. At Mr. Longs. Just returned from camp It is a beautiful day. Evening went to Bryan Hall to a political meeting accompanied Nip Wait and Mrs. Long

Tuesday, January 13, 1863. At Mr. Longs. Came back to camp to stay. It is an [a] wet day.

Wednesday, January 14, 1863. In Barracks at Camp Douglas

Thursday, January 15, 1863. In Barracks at Camp Douglas. Frank and I went to the City and went to Mr. Wheelers and took dinner. I sit [sat] for some photographs wrote to Mandana.

Friday, January 16, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. I received some things form home by [Simon?] Smith. Wrote to Father.

Saturday, January 17, 1863. In Barracks at Camp Douglas Went on guard. Have Company Inspection and Inspection of Quarters.

Monday, January 19, 1863. In Barracks at Camp Douglas. Went to the City and sit [sat] for some miniature photographs. Lt. Sellingson was promoted to Capt. Orderly Sargent [Sergeant) Bolton was promoted to 1st Lt. Quarter Master Sgt. Peck was form after to 2nd Lieutenant of Company C.

Tuesday, January 20, 1863. In Barracks at Camp Douglas. Went to the City to see my pictures.

Wednesday, January 21, 1863. In Barracks at Camp Douglas Spent the day in camp.

Thursday, January 22, 1863. In Barracks at Camp Douglas. In the evening attended a social party in the city at Martiens for the benefit of soldiers. Got up by the Star of Hope Lodge of I. O. G. T.

Friday, January 23, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Went [to] the city and got my pictures. Fire broke out in camp in the evening.

Saturday, January 24, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Wrote to Father and received a letter from Channcey. Went to city. Came out to Lake View in the evening with Lt. Bolton.

Sunday January 25, 1863. At Dr. Gully's Lake View House It is a beautiful morning. Came back to camp in the evening. Wrote to Reuben.

Monday January 26, 1863. In Barracks at Camp Douglas. Wrote to Channcey. Evening held our club meeting. Question: Resolve that the extension of knowledge increases morrell [moral] evil. Disfrutents: After A. Carr P. Habor Ivey C. F. Branch G. W. B. Q resolved in Apt.

Tuesday, January 27, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. 1500 Rebbels, Prisoners brought here from Ask-Post. Wrote Mandana.

Wednesday, January 28, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Wrote to Cousin Emily.

Thursday, January 29, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Wrote to Cousin Martha 400 Rebels came in the evening.

Friday, January 30, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Wrote to Jennie. 1500 more Rebbels came to day.

Saturday, January 31, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Wrote to William.


Sunday, February 1, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Inspection at 10. Wrote to Mandana. Received a letter from Uncle Leon.

Monday, February 2, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Went on to Grant Orratory Club met in the evening. An address was delivered by C. F. B. and then proceeded to discuss the following question. Resolve the pref exerts a greater influence upon mankind the pulpit or Bar.

Tuesday, February 3, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Came off guard.

Wednesday, February 4, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Received our Enfield Rifels and Equipment.

Thursday, February 5, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Worked in Cook House.

Friday, February 6, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Received a letter from Channcey and Lizzie S.

Saturday, February 7, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Went to the City.

Sunday, February 8, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Had Inspection and drep Parade

Monday, February 9, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Orratory Club held their meeting and discussed the following the question. Resolved that war benefits a nation. On the After G. W. S. and A. Carr on the Neg. C. F Branch. Question was decided in the Afft. Lt. Peck became a member. A Rainy Day.

Tuesday, February 10, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Received a letter from Mandana

Wednesday, February 11, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas Went on Guard. Wrote to Mandana.

Thursday, February 12, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Came into the Captins quarters to stay. Received a letter Jennie, M. Fletcher. Received a letter from Mandana.

Friday, February 13, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Went to City.

Saturday, February 14, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Very wet day.

Sunday, February 15, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Had Inspection. Wrote to Mandana.

Monday, February 16, 1863. In Barracks at Camp Douglas. Orratory Club met persuant to adjournment and discussed the following Resolution. Resolved that the invention of labor-saving machines has been detrimental rather than benefishal [beneficial] to our country. On the Af G.L. Benson and A. Carr On the Neg. G. W. Sneden and G. W. Bisbee

Tuesday, February 17, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Went to City. Received a letter from Channecy, with a check in it to the amount of $25.00

Wednesday, February 18, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Went to the city with Frank after a box of things that were sent from home. Sold my check for $25.00 Wrote to Father and Channcey. Recd a letter from Uncle Leanan.

Thursday, February 19, 1963. In Barracks in Camp Douglas.

Friday, February 20, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Went to the City.

Saturday, February 21, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas Sunday, February 22, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Went on guard. Had Inspection. Stormed Hard.

Monday, February 23, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Celebrated Washington's birthday. Marched down to the city and marched through its principle streets, and home again. We were joined by the city guards and five camps. Evening orr. Club met. I delivered an address.

Tuesday, February 24, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas.

Wednesday, February 25, 1863 In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Went to the City. Recd a letter from Mom and Will.

Thursday, February 26, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Went to the City Recd a letter from Mandana Wrote to Uncle Leon Wrote to Jennie

Friday, February 27, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Wrote to Mandana

Saturday, February 28, 1863 In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Musterd for pay.


Sunday, March 1, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Had Inspection. Wrote to Lizzie. Codord Harmagan died.

Monday, March 2,1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Star of Hope Club met and discussed the following question. Resolved that the Indian has received more injuries from the White man than the Negro. Aff. Lt. Peck and G. W. Bisbee Neg. G. W. Sneden and C. F. B. Decided in Neg.

Tuesday, March 3, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Received a latter from Jennie.

Wednesday, March 4, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas.

Thursday, March 5, 1863 In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Wrote to Kate.

Friday, March 6, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Received letter from Mandana.

Saturday, March 7, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Went on guard.

Sunday, March 8, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Came off guard this morning.

Monday, March 9, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Our club met and discussed the following question. Resolved that a long peace is injurious to a Nation. On the Afft. A. Carr and G. W. Snede, On the Negt. G. W. Bisbee and Ben Owens. Decd. [Decided] in the Afft. Received a letter from Channcey.

Tuesday, March 10, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Went to the City and took dinner with E. B. Sherman. Received a letter from Cousin Rosanna

Wednesday, March 11, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas.

Thursday, March 12, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Wrote to Channcey.

Friday, March 13, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Went on guard.

Saturday, March 14, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Came off guard. Had Skirmish drill.

Sunday, March 15, 1863 In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Had Inspection. Wrote to Mandana. Wrote to Jennie. Read a letter from Jennie and Mandana.

Monday, March 16, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Held Orr. Club meeting. Question: Resolved that love exerts a greater influence on mankind than jealousy. Aff. G. W. S. and Carr Neg. G. W. Bisbee and Sami H. Decided in Aff. Wrote to Cousin Rosanna.

Tuesday, March 17, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Wrote to William.

Wednesday, March 18, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas Went on guard.

Thursday, March 19, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Came off guard. Went to the City.

Friday, March 20, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Recd a letter from Mandana and Cousin Emily.

Saturday, March 21, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Wrote to Cousin Emily.

Sunday, March 22, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Went to the City as an escort to the funeral of some (3) soldiers that were killed in battle. Wrote to Manda.

Monday, March 23, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Star of Hope Club met in evening and discussed the following question. Resolved; that married life is more condussive to happiness than single. Aff. G.W. Sneden and GWB Neg. A. Carr and E.W.R. Decided in Aff.

Tuesday, March 24, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Went to the City Received a letter from Jennie.

Wednesday, March 25, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Went on guard.

Thursday, March 26, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas Came off guard duty. Recd a letter from Channcey.

Friday, March 27, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas.

Saturday, March 28, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Went to city.

Sunday, March 29, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Recd Marching orders. Wrote to Lizzie. Wrote to Jennie.

Monday, March 30, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Wrote to Mandana. Wrote to Mary Cook.

Tuesday, March 31, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Went to City and carried a box to the express office to send home. Called on Mr. Rigbys and Mr. Longs people.


Wednesday, April 1, 1863. In Barracks in Camp Douglas. Received a letter from home. Wrote to William and sent him a company record.

Thursday, April 2, 1863. Left Camp Douglas at 7 am with 500 Rebel prisoners for City Point, Va. Arrived in Ft. Wayne at 9 o'clock pm

Friday, April 3, 1863. On bord [board] the car in Ohio. Folks were making Maple Sugar. Stoped at Cressaline.

Saturday, April 4, 1863. On bord [board] the car in Pennsylvania. Stoped on the Long Bridge across Beaver River which empties into the Ohio just below a New Bridge. Arrived in Pittsburgh at 12 am. Changed cars for Baltimore.

Sunday, April 5, 1863. Morning on board the cars in Harrisburgh Pa. It is snowing fast. Passed strong arrived in Baltimore a 1 1/2 o'clock pm. Marched down to Fort McHenry and stayed over night.

Monday, April 6, 1863. Morning: In a German Hotel near Ft. McHenry Got a boat and went out to see a British sloop of war. Wrote to father and mother.

Tuesday, April 7, 1863. In St. Charles Hotel, Baltimore, MD. Blockade Enemy. Left St. Charles Hotel. And took the Boat for Fortress Monroe.

Wednesday, April 8, 1863. Morning: On Board the Boat Robt. [Robert] Morris Arrived at Fortress Monroe 5 o'clock pm. Anchored out a few yards from Fortress Monroe.

Thursday, April 9, 1863. Morning on board the Boat Robt. Morris laying off Fortress Monroe. 1 o'clock departed for City Point, passed the ship Minessota and Monitor in the James River. Arrived at City Pt. 6 o'clock PM. Parolled the prisoners while on the way 112 could not write their name.

Friday, April 10, 1863. Morning. On board the Boat Robt. Morris anchored off City Point. On the James River. It is a beautiful morning. Transferred the Prisoners from Boat to Land. Anchored off City Point. Capt. Sellingson arrived with his cargo of Prisoners. We left the Robt. Morris, and came aboard of his boat.

Saturday, April 11, 1863. Beautiful Morning on board the Boat Wm. Willden 8 o'clock am. set a shore our Rebel Prisoners and took aboard some 330 Union parolled Prisoners. Still laying off City Point, waiting to exchange officers. All out of rations.

Sunday, April 12,1863. Beautiful Morning. Still on Board the Boat Wm. Whilden laying off City Point. Got some rations from the Boat Metarnara which came in last night with Rebel Prisoners 12 am went into harbor and exchanged officers. 2 1/2 pm left City Point for Fortress Monroe ran aground. Was aground 1 hour got off run.

Monday, April 13, 1863. Morning. Took in hancor [anchorl and came to Ft. Monroe. Arrived here at 10 am. Mailed a letter to Mandana. Canged Boats for Annapolis. Left Fortress Monroe at 5 oclock pm. In Change of some Union parolled Prisoners. Left S. Sergt. A.J. B.J.K. H. L. Wm. S.B. and Myself.

Tuesday, April 14, 1863. Morning. On board the Boat Eastern State running up the Chessapeak Bay to Annapolis. Arrived at Anappolis at 11 o'clock am. Left Anapolis for Baltimore at 2 pm. Arrived in Baltimore 5 1/2 pm. Came to the Union Relief and took supplies and lodging.

Wednesday, April 15, 1863. In Union Relief Baltimore. Took breakfasst and dinner. At 5 o'clock the Boat Adelade for Fortress Monroe. Sea was very rough. We got no sleep for some marines came on board and raised the dead all night.

Thursday, April 16, 1863. Arrived in Fts. Monroe 7 o'clock this morning. Found regiment had moved to Suffolk. A fine lady gave us some breakfast. 9 o'clock am took the Boat City Hudson to join our Regiment. Arrived at Norfolk 12 AM took the car for Suffolk at 3 PM. Arrived at Suffolk at 5 1/2 PM.

Friday, April 17, 1863. In Camp. Fixed up our tents and then went on picked and worked on fortification. Reinforcements are coming in. Quit work on fortifications went out expecting to have a skemmish but did not Cononading was going on all day also some sharp shooting we encamped at night in a beautiful pine grove.

Saturday, April 18, 1863. Beautiful Morning. Encamped in beautiful grove of pines. Slept on arms last night. Cleaned up our Camp Ground, and pitched our tents. At night went out intending to cross the river but the Rebels found out our intentions so we did not go.

Sunday, April 19, 1863. Morning. Went out and laid on our arms all night. Received 7 letters. Two form Mandana, one form Charles, one from Lizzie, one from Jennie, one from Nip Douglas.

Monday, April 20, 1863. Went on Picket. Canonading is going on the Rebels five upon us from the other side of the river.

Tuesday, April 21, 1863. In Camp Andress Suffolk, Va. Came off Picket this morning. Wrote to Charles. Received a letter from Uncle Leon.

Wednesday, April 22, 1863 In Camp Andress. Staid in Camp all day and fixed our tent.

Thursday, April 23, 1863. On Picket. it rains like the old Harry.

Friday, April 24, 1863. In Camp Andress. Came off Picket this morning. Recd a letter from Mandana. Went to see some of the Crown Point boys in the 118 N.Y., P.B., MR., W.T., and C.D. Afternoon went out to the left of the division to strengthen our forces came back to camp at 12 o'clock at night.

Saturday, April 25, 1863. In Camp Andress. Wrote to Mandana. A part of our Co. have gone on fatigue duty. It is a beautifull day.

Sunday, April 26, 1863. On Picket in Suffolk. Signed the pay roll. It is a beautifully day.

Monday, April 27, 1863. In Camp Andress. Came off picket this morning. Paymaster was here and paid us of. Wrote to Lizzie.

Tuesday, April 28, 1863. In Suffolk Va On fatigue duty Working on Fort Connecticut. The weather is unpleasant out, Rainy. Were called out under arms at 4 oclock.

Wednesday, April 29, 1863. On picket in Suffolk, Va. Weather is warm and pleasant.

Thursday, April 30, 1863. In Camp near Suffolk, Va. Came off picket this morning.


Friday, May 1, 1863. Moved our camp about three miles to the left where the 4 th RI Regt lay. Saw Cousin George Kibby. His Regt. moved to the sameplace. Wrote to Katie.

Saturday, May 2, 1863. In Camp near Suffolk, Va. On fatigue, was called out in the night under arms and lay till morning

Sunday, May 3, 1863. In Camp near Suffolk, Va. Some of our forces crossed the river and had an engagement. Wrote to Mandana, Jennie, and Channcey.

Monday, May 4, 1863. In Suffolk, Va. Were ordered out at 4 o'clock went out to Ft. Dix and lay until afternoon.

Tuesday, May 5, 1863. In Camp near Suffolk, Va. Policed our Camp ground in forenoon. Cousin Gerry Kibby came to see me. I went to the city with him, came back and found that our Regt. had gone to demolish some Rebel entrenchments.

Wednesday, May 6, 1863. In Camp near Suffolk, Va. Remained in Camp all day. It was very rainy and cold

Thursday, May 7, 1863. Out about 5 miles from Camp destroying Rebel entrechments. The Boys have great-times chasing down hogs and sheep and the geese. Suffered badly. Took up our abode for the night in a Rebel House.

Friday, May 8, 1863. Morning out 5 miles from Camp tearing down Rebel breast work. Came back to camp in afternoon. Recd a letter from Mandana.

Saturday, May 9, 1863. In camp near Suffolk, Va. Wrote to Mandana. Went to town.

Sunday, May 10, 1863. In camp near Suffolk, Va. Had Inspection. Wrote to Uncle Leonard.

Monday, May 11, 1863. In camp near Suffolk, Va. Went to the city. Our company worked on our new camp ground. Wrote to Mary Cook.

Tuesday, May 12, 1863. In camp near Suffolk, Va. Went to City. Our Company went on fatigue

Wednesday, May 13, 1863. In Camp near Suffolk, Va. Received a letter from Lizzie.

Thursday, May 14, 1863. In Camp near Suffolk. Moved our camp nearer the city into a rescue Brigade. Received a letter from Mandana. Wrote to Lizzie.

Friday, May 15, 1863. In Camp near Suffolk, VA. Had company and Battalion drill. Received a letter from Jennie. Wrote to Mandana and Jennie.

Saturday, May 16, 1863. In camp near Suffolk, Va. Had Company and Battalion drill. Major [Stumbell] went home, he has resigned.

Sunday, May 17, 1863. In Camp near Suffolk, Va. Went to church in AM. Had preaching in camp PM.

Monday, May 18, 1863. In camp near Suffolk, Va. Went on guard

Tuesday, May 19, 1863. In camp near Suffolk, Va. Had a great game of Bull's I with 118th N.Y. Commenced carrying the mail

Wednesday, May 20, 1863. In camp near Suffolk, Va. Afternoon started a march for Blackwater.

Thursday, May 21, 1863. Saying [staying] among the weeds and scirmish at Windsor, Va. Moved about 5 miles and went on Picket.

Friday, May 22, 1863. On Picket near Windsor.

Saturday, May 23, 1863. On Picket. Unwell and came into camp. Recd a letter from Manda and Channcey.

Sunday, May 24, 1863. In camp near Suffolk, Va. Went to church. Wrote to mother.

Monday, May 25, 1863. In camp near Suffolk, Va. Recd a letter from Jennie.

Tuesday, May 26, 1863. In camp near Suffolk, Va. Wrote to Channcey. Our Regt. came in.

Wednesday, May 27, 1863. In near Suffolk, Va. Am unwell Received letter from Lizzie and E. B. Had marching orders

Thursday, May 28, 1863. In camp near Suffolk, Va.

Friday, May 29, 1863. In camp near Suffolk, Va. Colonel [Andirop] has resigned and Started for home this morning.

Saturday, May 30, 1863. In camp near Suffolk, Va.

Sunday, May 31, 1863. In camp near Suffolk. Received a letter from Cousin Emily. Wrote to Manda.


Monday, June 1, 1863. In camp near Suffolk, Va.

Tuesday, June 2, 1863. In camp near Suffolk, Va. Sick in hospital.

Wednesday, June 3, 1863. In Hospital.

Thursday, June 4, 1863. In Hospital. Received a letter from Manda.

Friday, June 5, 1863. In hospital. Wrote to Manda and Lizzie.

Saturday, June 6, 1863. In hospital sick. Received books from Miss Douglas.

Sunday, June 7, 1863. In hospital sick.

Monday, June 8, 1863. Sick in Hospital.

Thursday, June 11, 1863. Sick in Hospital. Received a letter from Mary Cook.

Friday, June 12, 1863. Sick in Hospital. Wrote to Mandana.

Saturday, June 13, 1863. Sick in Hospital.

Sunday, June 14, 1863. Sick in Hospital.

Monday, June 15, 1863. Sick in Hospital. Wrote to Charles and sent him $20.00. Received a letter from Jennie.

Tuesday, June 16, 1863. Sick in Hospital. Received a letter from Manda

Wednesday, June 17, 1863. Sick in Hospital. Wrote to Mandana. Regt. under marching orders. The sick in Hospital came to Hospital in the city.

Thursday, June 18, 1863. Sick in Hospital Suffolk, Va.

Friday, June 19, 1863. Sick in Hospital. Came from Suffolk to Hampton Hospital near Fortress Monroe. Came by Boat down the Nanscmond.

Saturday, June 20, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital

Sunday, June 21, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Wrote to Mandana.

Monday, June 22, 1863. Sick in Hospital Hampton.

Tuesday, June 23, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital.

Wednesday, June 24, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Wrote to Cousin Emily.

Thursday, June 25, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital.

Friday, June 26, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Went out and picked some blackberries.

Saturday, June 27, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. 250 Sick came to Hospital from Suffolk.

Sunday, June 28, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Wrote to Mandana. Received a letter from Mandana with $2.00 in it.

Monday, June 29, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital

Tuesday, June 30, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Read a letter from Mandana, Channcey, and Lizzie. Musterd for pay.


Wednesday, July 1, 1863 Sick in Hampton Hospital.

Thursday, July 2, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Wrote to Mary Cook.

Friday, July 3, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Wrote to Channcey.

Saturday, July 4, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Went Blackberrying.

Sunday, July 5, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Wrote to Father and Mother.

Monday, July 6, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Wrote to Lizzie.

Tuesday, July 7, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Received a letter from Charles.

Wednesday, July 8, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital.

Thursday, July 9, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital.

Friday, July 10, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital.

Saturday, July 11, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital.

Sunday, July 12, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Wrot[e] to Charles.

Monday, July 13, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital.

Tuesday, July 14, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital.

Wednesday, July 15, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Received two months pay.

Thursday, July 16, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Wrote to Capt. Seligson.

Friday, July 17, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Received a letter from Mandana and one from mother.

Saturday, July 18, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Wrote to Manda.

Sunday, July 19, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Wrote to Wm.

Monday, July 20, 1863. Sick in Hospital

Tuesday, July 21, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital

Wednesday, July 22, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Were examined. Wrote to father sent him $15.00 and an order for $20.00. Received a letter from Capt. Seligson.

Thursday, July 23, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital.

Saturday, July 24, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital.

Sunday, July 25, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital.

Monday, July 26, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital.

Tuesday, July 28, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Received a letter from father, Manda, and Uncle Leonard.

Wednesday, July 29, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Received a letter from Mandana.

Thursday, July 30, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Wrote to Manda. Recd a letter from Cousin Emily. Capt. Seligson came to see me.

Friday, July 31, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Recd a letter from Mandana.


Saturday, August 1, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital.

Sunday, August 2, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital.

Monday, August 3, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Received a box from home.

Tuesday, August 4, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Wrote to Mandana Received a letter from Lizzie. Went to Chessapeak Hospital

Wednesday, August 5, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Wrote to Lizzie.

Thursday, August 6, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Thanksgiving day. Torrance and I had a chicken pot py for dinner.

Friday, August 7, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital.

Saturday, August 8, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital

Sunday, August 9, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Wrote to Mandana.

Monday, August 10, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital, Va.

Tuesday, August 11, 1863. Sick in Hospital, Va.

Wednesday, August 12, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital.

Thursday, August 13, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital, Va.

Friday, August 14, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital VA. Came to guard camp.

Saturday, August 15, 1863. Sick in Hampton Hospital. Wrote to Father and Mother.

Sunday, August 16, 1863. In convalescent camp Hampton, Virginia. Had Inspection.

Monday, August 17, 1863. In convalescent camp Hampton, Va. Went on guard.

Tuesday, August 18, 1863. Returned to my Regt. at York Town, Va. Came on the Boat Geo. Washington.

Wednesday, August 19,1863. In Ft. York Town. Wrote to Father.

Thursday, August 20, 1863. In Fort York Town. Went on guard.

Friday, August 21, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Came off guard.

Saturday, August 22, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown.

Sunday, August 23, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Wrote to Sergt. Minor.

Monday, August 24, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Wrote to PM. Washington, D. C.

Tuesday, August 25, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown, Va. Went on guard.

Wednesday, August 26, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown, Va. Came off guard.

Thursday, August 27, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown, Va. Helped Capt. Seligson. Make out the muster rolls. Recd a letter from Mary S. Cook.

Friday, August 28, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Worked on muster rolls.

Saturday, August 29, 1863. In Ft. York-town. Recd a letter from Mandana and Lizzie.

Sunday, August 30, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Wrote to Mandana and Lizzie

Monday, August 31, 1863. In Fort Yorktown. Musterd for pay.


Tuesday, September 1, 1863. In Fort Yorktown.

Wednesday, September 2, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Recd a letter from PM at Washington.

Thursday, September 3, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown, Va. Recd three letters from Mandana.

Friday, September 4, 1863. In Ft. York-town, Va. Wrote to Mandana.

Saturday, September 5, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown.

Sunday, September 6, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Recd a letter from Mira.

Monday, September 7, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Went on guard. Commenced to fix the Barracks.

Tuesday, September 8, 1863. In Fort Yorktown. Came off guard.

Wednesday, September 9, 1863. In Ft. York-town. Worked on Barracks.

Thursday, September 10, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Worked on Barracks. Sold the [swter] an order for allocated pay of $20.00.

Friday, September 11, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Worked on Barracks. Wrote to Sergeant Minor.

Saturday, September 12, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Worked on Barracks.

Sunday, September 13, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Read a letter from Mandana. Wrote to Manda.

Monday, September 14, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Made a Table for Captain. Worked on Barracks.

Tuesday, September 15, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Worked on Barracks. Had monthly Inspection. Wrote to Reuben. Lt. Peck returned to the company.

Wednesday, September 16, 1863. In Fort Yorktown Wrote to Rueben Reed a letter from Mandana

Thursday, September 17, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Reed a letter from Lizzie.

Friday, September 18, 1863. In Fort Yorktown.

Saturday, September 19, 1863. In Fort Yorktown Wrote to Lizzie.

Sunday, September 20, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Wrote to Mandana.

Monday, September 21, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown.

Tuesday, September 22, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown.

Wednesday, September 23, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown.

Thursday, September 24, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Recd a letter from Mother. Went on guard.

Friday, September 25, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Came off guard.

Saturday, September 26, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown.

Sunday, September 27, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Wrote to Mother. Acting orderly.

Monday, September 28, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Acting orderly.

Tuesday, September 29, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown Acting orderly.

Wednesday, September 30, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown Acting orderly.


Thursday, October 1, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Recd a letter from Father.

Friday, October 2, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Morning - Under Marching orders. All packed up ready to leave. PM - Started for the Boat and before we reached it the order was counter manded so we returned to quarters.

Saturday, October 3, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Recd a letter from Lizzie. My furlough came approved.

Sunday, October 4, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Wrote to Father and Lizzie.

Monday, October 5, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown.

Tuesday, October 6, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown.

Wednesday, October 7, 1863. In Ft. Yorktown. Left for home on a furlough with Lt. Bolton. Left Fort Yorktown on the Boat Thos. Morris for Fts. Monroe 1 1/4 PM. Arrived at Mon [Monroe] at 4 1/2 PM left Monroe at 5 1/2 PM for Baltimore.

Thursday, October 8, 1863. Arrived at Baltimore at 6 AM. Left Baltimore at 10 AM for New York and at Philadelphia at 2 PM and left at 3 PM and at NY at 6 1/2 PM. Left for Troy at 10 PM and the Hudson River.

Friday, October 9, 1863. Arrived at Troy 8 1/2 AM took the train for Middlebury arrived at Mid 1 1/2 PM, Rode up home with Bro. Mathers.

Saturday, October 10, 1863. At home.

Guide to the George W. Bisbee Diary
Processed by: Dieter C. Ullrich Digitized by: Noah Biblis
October 2003, 3 March 2020
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